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You need support. (Everyone does!) You may have a very defined goal, or trouble coming up with an appropriate goal. My role is to listen thoughtfully, think creatively, and provide a process and perhaps tools that will accelerate you along your path. If there is no path, we’ll forge it together, and often that means examining more than one alternative. This process is a combination of art and science (the process part keeps it from spinning out of control and taking an eternity, not to mention costing too much!).

Clients have a range of needs and questions; some of the common ones are:

  • I have no idea how to re-enter the workforce after being a stay-at-home parent
  • How can I pivot to a new career after 15 years doing the same thing?
  • I need to lead my teams and manage my boss more effectively
  • I’ve never negotiated a salary before and need help
  • I have too much energy to retire but don’t want more of the same job I was in
  • I am terrified of networking, and don’t understand what it is and how to do it
  • I never get replies when I send in a resume online
  • I hate questions like: “what are your weaknesses” and “tell me about yourself”
  • I have not interviewed in 20 years
  • Why on earth would I use social media when I never have before? Do I really need LinkedIn?
  • What do you put in a cover letter?
  • Yikes, I don’t have a resume!

We can work on these, and related issues, face-to-face (geography permitting), via Skype or over the phone.